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Spring cleaning?!

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This is not a post about: how when what should you do concerning spring cleaning. I’m not even telling you that you have to or should do one. Nor is there a checklist of what should be included. No, I was just thinking, what role has this ritual played in my life and what have others said about how it was for them.

For me, there are fond childhood memories, of my kindergarten days, where it was a real event of the year: we cleaned everything and tidied up even more than usual. Lego bricks and doll clothes were washed and there was a lot of hustle and bustle and eagerness about it. Children of all ages were involved, lovingly guided by my aunt and grandma. 

In my family we had more of a Christmas cleaning where we made a list of tasks for the December weekends leading up to Christmas and did them together. I just remember that it was always important to me that I get to sweep, wash and polish the wooden stairs until they were super shiny (and the risk of slipping was definitely there, which also happened to a school friend sometime after Christmas, but she was fine).

Other people in my circle had less associations to it, in one family for example the curtains were washed in spring and the windows were cleaned and a few other things but there were no important connections or memories to it. Others told me that this was or is not a tradition for them, or that other events were decisive for a major cleaning (family celebrations at their home). 

At least this year I will do no special spring cleaning, but I like to think of the memories this ritual has for me. And whenever it is definitely spring/early summer (like now) and I enjoy the sun’s rays, I feel that I have way more energy than I did in the winter months – this sense of optimism takes hold. Let’s clean those windows maybe?

How is it with you? What changes for you in spring cleaning or even tidying up? What kind of relation do you have to “spring cleaning” or cleaning to other events currently or even in your childhood? Would totally interest me 🙂  Let me know in the comments!

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